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Digital China

Founded by : -, 1 January 2000

Harris County, United States
More than 5000 employees

About Digital China

Digital China Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Digital China”; Stock Code: 000034. SZ). Since its establishment in 2000, Digital China has been devoting to energizing digital transformation for the industry with independent innovation of core technologies and advancing great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by digital technologies under the concept of “taking the lead in concepts, technologies & practices” . In 2022, Digital China achieved an annual turnover of 115.88 billion yuan, ranking the 123th on Fortune China Listed Companies 500 (2023) and 29th on the Forbes 2022 China Digital Economy 100 list. Committed to becoming a leading digital transformation partner, Digital China innovatively proposed the strategy of “Data-Cloud Fusion” and technical system framework around key elements of digital transformation. Centering on core technologies of cloud native, digital native and data-cloud fusion and product production and service capabilities, the Company provides ubiquitous and agile IT capabilities and integrated data-driven capabilities for FMCG retail, automobile, finance, medical care, government and enterprise, education, operators and clients in other industries, builds cross-border integrated and innovative digital scenarios and new models, helps enterprise-level clients establish future-oriented core capabilities and competitive advantages, and comprehensively promotes the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of society. 神州数码集团股份有限公司(简称:神州数码;股票代码:000034.SZ)。从2000年成立伊始,神州数码以“数字中国”为使命,锐意变革,砥砺前行,始终坚持以全球领先科技和自主创新核心技术赋能产业数字化转型和数字经济发展。神州数码2022年全年营业收入实现1158.8亿元,位列《财富》中国上市公司500强榜单(2023)第123位,《福布斯》中国数字经济100强(2022)第29位。 致力于成为领先的数字化转型合作伙伴,神州数码围绕企业数字化转型的关键要素,开创性的提出“数云融合”战略和技术体系框架,着力在云原生、数字原生、数云融合关键技术和信创产业上架构产品和服务能力,为处在不同数字化转型阶段的快消零售、汽车、金融、医疗、政企、教育、运营商等行业客户提供泛在的敏捷IT能力和融合的数据驱动能力,构建跨界融合创新的数字业务场景和新业务模式,助力企业级客户建立面向未来的核心能力和竞争优势,全面推动社会的数字化、智能化转型升级。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Digital China’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
  • Industry group: -
  • Industry: -
  • Sub-Industry: -
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Company Address

2708 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77006, USA

Source : Google maps