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Discover Financial Services

Founded by : Dean Witter Financial Services Group & Inc., 1 January 1986

Lake County, United States
More than 5000 employees

About the Company

Discover Financial Services is an American financial services company that primarily operates under the Discover Bank subsidiary. It was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Riverwoods, Illinois. Discover offers a range of financial products and services, including credit cards, personal loans, student loans, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit. As of 2021, Discover is the sixth-largest credit card issuer in the United States, with over 57 million cardholders. The company is also recognized for its high customer satisfaction ratings and its commitment to providing transparent and user-friendly financial products.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Discover Financial Services’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Financials
  • Industry group: Financial Services
  • Industry: Consumer Finance
  • Sub-Industry: Consumer Finance
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Company Address

2500 Lake Cook Rd, Riverwoods, United States

Source : Google maps

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24d ago

Riverwoods, United States of America

Full Time, onsite, onsite

Salary undisclosed

24d ago

Riverwoods, United States of America

Full Time, onsite, onsite

Salary undisclosed

24d ago

Riverwoods, United States of America

Full Time, onsite, onsite

Salary undisclosed

25d ago

Columbus, United States of America

Full Time, onsite, onsite

Salary undisclosed