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FS KKR Capital Corp.

Founded by : Michael Craig Forman, 1 January 2007

Philadelphia County, United States
More than 250 employees

About the Company

FS KKR Capital Corp. is a publicly traded business development company that specializes in providing customized credit solutions to middle-market companies. The company was formed in 2018 through the merger of FS Investment Corporation and KKR Credit Advisors. FS KKR Capital Corp. has a diverse portfolio of investments spanning various industries, including healthcare, technology, and financial services. As of December 31, 2020, the company had $11.6 billion in assets under management. FS KKR Capital Corp. is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and has additional offices in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, FS KKR Capital Corp.’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Financials
  • Industry group: Financial Services
  • Industry: Capital Markets
  • Sub-Industry: Investment Banking & Brokerage
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Company Address

201 Rouse Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19112 United States

Source : Google maps