Systems Manager Remote
UNIX (of any type) and/or Linux (of any type)
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 or higher
RDBMS (of any type)
PostgreSQL 8.4 or higher
Tomcat 6 or higher
Java Server Pages (JSPs)/Servlets/JavaScript
Scripting languages (such as Tool Command Language (Tcl))
C/C++ with imbedded SQL (such as GNU C/C++)
Software Version Control systems (such as Apache Subversion)
ANSI/NIST-CSL 1-1993 or later - Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint Information
EFTS FBI s Electronic Fingerprint Transmission Specification and/or EBTS FBI's Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification
Real-time network-based interfaces with multiple external systems (such as Nlets, FBI III, AFIS systems, law enforcement message switches)
Ability to investigate system problems and/or anomalies to identify root causes and implement corrective actions.