SCCM patch engineer// (757157)
Technical Specialist 2 /TS 2 (SCCM patch engineer)// (757157)
Duration: Long term
Required / Desired
of Experience
Education: 4-year college degree
Relevant Experience: 10 plus years
Skills in SCCM/Qualys patch management
Create Technical documentation with application functionality and test methods, various flow diagrams (Business/Functional)
Solutions design; Project technical planning; Analysis and design; Communication; Testing and implementation
Highly desired
Recommends software reusability guidelines; Plans and conducts formal mentorship activities for peers and/or lower-level staff via verbal instruction
monitor for emerging vulnerabilities and prioritize critical patches, analyze patch compliance reports to identify and address potential security risk
Highly desired
Must be able to report to Franklin County or London Ohio.
Do you understand, and will abide by, the provision in your subcontract with OST that it is PROHIBITED for government equipment to be taken or used outside of the United States by your contractors? The consequences of this occurring can and will result in repercussions to you, the prime vendor, regardless if the candidate works for a sub-vendor of yours. It will also result in immediate termination of the contractor, and make them ineligible for rehire in the program.
Kiran Kumar
Key Business Solutions, Inc.
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