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Scientifique de donnes stagiaire en photonique / photonic data scientist COOP

Salary undisclosed

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Ciena is committed to our people-first philosophy. Our teams enjoy a culture focused on prioritizing a personalized and flexible work environment that empowers an individual's passions, growth, wellbeing and belonging. We're a technology company that leads with our humanity-driving our business priorities alongside meaningful social, community, and societal impact.

Pourquoi Ciena ?
  • Nous sommes une entreprise enracine dans ses gens, qui cherche crer un environnement dynamique et inclusif, o chacun se sent sa place.
  • Acclrez votre cheminement de carrire en acqurant une exprience pratique tout en tant expos aux dernires technologies. Nos stagiaires et diplms travaillent sur des projets rels dans des laboratoires de classe mondiale. Faites partie du futur - aujourd'hui.
  • Mentorat. Rseautage. Opportunits de leadership. Nous reconnaissons que l'apprentissage ne s'arrte pas lorsque vous quittez l'cole - nous favorisons un esprit d'quipe fort pour acclrer votre dveloppement et fournissons les outils ncessaires pour votre succs.
  • Nous sommes de grands partisans de l'intgration vie-travail. Nos employs font une grande diffrence chez Ciena, mais nous voulons galement mettre en lumire leurs diffrences en dehors des heures de travail. CienaCares soutient des causes but non lucratif importantes pour les employs en galant leurs contributions financires et en consacrant du temps au bnvolat.

L'opportunit :

Stage de 4 mois: Janvier - Avril

Comment vous contribuerez :

L'quipe R&D des composants photoniques haute vitesse est situe Qubec et dveloppe des dispositifs qui constituent une partie importante des systmes optiques de haute performance commercialiss par Ciena.

Le/la scientifique de donnes stagiaire rejoindra l'quipe de validation de produits, o il/elle jouera un rle essentiel dans le dveloppement d'outils d'analyse de donnes utiliss lors de la conception et de la validation de composants photoniques haute vitesse.
  • Vous utiliserez des logiciels spcialiss en analyse statistique.
  • Dvelopper des logiciels pour effectuer l'analyse de donnes.
  • Dvelopper des algorithmes et des logiciels utilisant l'Intelligence artificielle et l'apprentissage machine.
  • Travailler en troite collaboration avec les ingnieurs de validation pour bien comprendre les besoins et dvelopper des solutions optimales.

Qu'attend Ciena de vous ?
  • Un sentiment d'urgence - ce qui est important pour le client est tout aussi important pour vous. Vous faites de l'avancement de vos projets une priorit.
  • Intgrit - vous maintenez le plus haut niveau en termes de conduite personnelle et professionnelle.
  • Un engagement envers l'innovation - vous cherchez continuellement apprendre, comprendre les nouvelles technologies et les conditions du march en constante volution, et vous engager appliquer ces connaissances l'avantage de Ciena.
  • Vous acceptez le changement - vous vous panouissez dans un environnement o les priorits sont en constante volution et o il existe parfois des situations stressantes.
  • La flexibilit de travailler de manire autonome avec un minimum de supervision ainsi que de faire partie d'une quipe plus large.

Les incontournables :
  • tudiant/tudiante en gnie ou dans un domaine connexe (lectrique, physique, informatique).
  • Excellentes aptitudes en statistiques.
  • Confortable dans l'apprentissage de nouveaux outils logiciel.
  • Exprience avec des logiciels d'analyse statistique tel que JMP.
  • Excellente connaissance d'un ou de plusieurs des langages suivants : Python, SQL, Matlab.

  • Exprience avec un environnement de dveloppement en apprentissage machine: Tensorflow, MxNet, Pytorch.
  • Exprience avec des outils de " big data ".


Why Ciena?
  • We're a company rooted in people-seeking to create a vibrant and inclusive environment, where everyone feels they can belong.
  • Accelerate your career path by gaining hands-on experience and exposure to the latest technology. Our interns and graduates work on real projects in real time in world class labs. Be a part of tomorrow's future - today.
  • Mentoring. Networking. Leadership Opportunities. We recognize that the learning doesn't stop when you leave school - we champion a team environment for development and provide the tools to achieve success.
  • We are big proponents of life-work integration. Our people make a big difference at Ciena, but we want to shine light on their differences outside of working hours too. CienaCares supports non-profit causes important to employees by matching employee financial contributions and dedicating time for volunteering.

The Opportunity:

4 month work term: January - April

How You Will Contribute:

The high-speed photonics components R&D team is located in Quebec City and develop devices that are an important part of Ciena's commercialized high performance optical systems.

The data scientist intern will join the product validation team where she/he will play an essential role into the development of data analysis tools for the design and the validation of high-speed photonic components.

  • You will use statistical analysis software.
  • Develop software for data analysis.
  • Develop AI-ML algorithms and software in collaboration with internal teams specialized in that area.
  • Work in close collaboration with validation engineers to understand the needs and define optimum solutions.

What Does Ciena Expect of You?
  • A sense of urgency - what's important to the customer is equally important to you. You make getting things done a priority.
  • Integrity - you hold yourself to the highest level of personal and professional standards of conduct.
  • A commitment to innovation - you continually seek to learn, understand new technologies and ever-changing market conditions, and endeavour to apply that knowledge to Ciena's advantage.
  • You embrace change - thriving in a diverse environment of ever-changing priorities and sometimes stressful situations.
  • The flexibility to work independently with minimal supervision as well as part of a broader team.

The Must Haves:
  • Working towards completion of a degree in engineering or similar (electrical, physic, computer).
  • Excellent skills in statistics.
  • Experience with statistical software like JMP.
  • Comfort learning new software technologies.
  • Excellent knowledge of one or many of the following languages: Python, SQL, Matlab.

  • Experience with a ML framework: Tensorflow, MxNet, Pytorch.
  • Experience with big data tools.
  • Ability to work and communicate in French.

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At Ciena, we are committed to building and fostering an environment in which our employees feel respected, valued, and heard. Ciena values the diversity of its workforce and respects its employees as individuals. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination.

Ciena is an Equal Opportunity Employer, including disability and protected veteran status.

If contacted in relation to a job opportunity, please advise Ciena of any accommodation measures you may require.
Employers have access to artificial intelligence language tools (“AI”) that help generate and enhance job descriptions and AI may have been used to create this description. The position description has been reviewed for accuracy and Dice believes it to correctly reflect the job opportunity.
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